Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Sights from my Bike Ride

It really felt like the first day of spring today!  Almost all of the snow from last weekend is gone and the moisture made everything look a little greener.  I heard my first Meadowlark but didn't get a good enough shot to add it to the collage.  I also saw several ducks who are summer visitors.  There were lots of riders on the road, many wearing shorts but I was comfortable in tights, T-shirt and light jacket.  I rode 31 miles. :-)

Top Row:         Another sign of spring, the Great Blue Herons have returned to their nests!  These two look like they have already paired up.  There were about 20 birds on various nests.  There will probably be more.
                          A lawn sign I really liked
                          Royal Palm (domestic) Turkey standing on a hot tub cover in someone's yard.  I didn't think he was real as I rode by, but then I heard him gobble so I turned around.

Middle:            My favorite silo with the snowy foothills in the background.
                         I met this cute couple when I was stopped along the road taking photos.  We visited for a while and I almost let them get away without taking their picture.  I'm glad I asked. :-)
                         Cyclists on the road

Bottom:           Another sign of spring, two male wild turkeys trying to impress a female with their beautiful displays.
                          A familiar sign but with a last line I hadn't seen before, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
                         One more sign of spring, a butterfly!  I can't remember seeing one this early.  My Seek app identified it as a Mourning Cloak.

I am grateful for my bike and my camera! :-))

Thank you to everyone for your visits and stars and hearts on my blips.  I really appreciate all of them!

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