Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Red-Breasted Merganser (m)

A weekend suddenly signifies longer walks so, this morning we all set off on the hilly circuit from home.
I can't cope with 6+miles, hills and my camera and, with the weather showing little sign of getting past light grey clouds at best, I walked only carrying my binoculars
Of course, obviously, we saw something worth capturing as we passed along the ridge of the largest hill.
I wasn't really sure what the bird was at first. A much larger, noisier 'finch' in a flock of goldfinches.
I managed to watch it for a few minutes with my bins and decided that it was a Crossbill. I have never seen one before. Once home I checked again for confirmation.

A trip to the tip was necessary this afternoon so I went armed with camera intending to revisit the same spot on my way home.
The queue for the tip was almost back to the main road so bird spotting was pushed to a priority.
Sod's law - I didn't see anything.

Rather than spend the afternoon driving back and forth, I then decided to explore the farmer's fields.
No hare but I disturbed a few deer and irritated a couple of wrens but nothing more noteworthy.
One of the young guys who rents the barnyard came to check me out. Once satisfied that I had permission to be there, he gave me loads of info about the wildlife he sees on a regular basis.
I think my spring/summer plans have been mapped out ;-D

Back to the tip and got off loaded without much delay giving me time for a quick visit to the marshes on the way home.

This lovely chap popped up right in front of me as I parked. Blip done.

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