Capital adventures

By marchmont


A busy and profitable day though I must in the middle of the night drinking tea and reading Jung Chang.

When you properly I started by sending out the after Easter update to Choir. We will still be virtual.

Spent the rest of the day in the garden, mainly digging up Spanish bluebells bulbs. With some it was only the leaves but that will stop the flowers and maybe the spread. I've left some for colour. Fed everything and cut the grass. Don't know why I bothered. It needs a close cut, maybe next week.

I realised that this year I have seen the garden in all its incarnations. The list few years I've missed large chunks of it, including the spring bulbs. It's good to be here, especially when the weather is fine.

The gardening, bending and digging (trowel), was followed by a hot soak to relieve any aches. The evening sun caught the table and chairs. Had my lunch outside again. I hope this continues.

F2F - 2
Phone calls - 0
Virtual - 0

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