Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


JR went off to her ‘Gym Bunnies’ this morning - no Zoom session this time - one of the ‘Bunnies’ has a big back garden, so they all trooped along there with their rolled up mats and did it outside. Good idea, but I think it may be a trifle chilly out of the sun at 9am still.

Elizabeth came to get Archie early as she was meeting a friend at Cramond, so wanted a whole day out (25,254 steps). What a lucky boy he is.

I knew that I had a marathon sofa session this afternoon, so I set off across the Meadows for a walk. The Park Runners were in full swing. This is the tree in remembrance of Sarah Everard. There was a wee chilly breeze, but I was sensible and wore my hat. A coffee, a sit in the sun to drink it - can’t walk and drink coffee - listening to a podcast, and home again.

JR went off for her big Saturday walk with Chrissy (17,132 steps) and before I settled down for rugby, I set up my phone with my new SIM card, which had just arrived. And what a palaver that was!! The bumph that comes with the SIM declares that keeping your old number is hassle-free... NOT.

I rang four different times - each time I had to give copious security details - and two times I hung up in despair because the operator disappeared for ages to ‘check something’. At one point I was almost going to give up and just stick with the new number. The third operator declared that it was impossible for me to keep that number, because it had been moved once before, in 2015. Fortunately, I tried one last time, and the fourth person did it in minutes, but it won’t be changed till Tuesday. What a faff! 

Just as well I had a bag of wee chocolate eggs...

A great afternoon of rugby, with excellent wins for Scotland and Ireland. One more game to go this evening.

EDIT: It was a corker! But very disappointing for Wales, losing in the last minutes.

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