
By YellowTeddy


This week we have been learning about Elizabethan England and the Tudors. This is Will building a little scale model of the Tower of London. So far we have learned
about the line of kings and queens of England through the Tudor period; the invasion by the Spanish Armada and how beacons, favorable weather and agile ships helped England win; Henry VIII and his wives (including a quick watch of the Horrible Histories video of their Henry VIII SONG which both boys found highly amusing!); religion and the beginning of the Church of England.
We have also read just over half of the story that comes in a history pack that we subscribe to, and found out bits about Elizabethan fashion and the clothes of rich and poor people; the style of Tudor houses, with their little windows, tall chimneys and larger upstairs floors, which we also looked at in Beverley as we drove past on the way to get our covid jabs.
The boys (mainly Will) have also built a little 3D to-scale model of the Tower of London, which we will be learning more about next week.
Next week we also plan to look into why the Earth has magnetic poles, build our own compass (relating it to the Spanish Armada and how sailors navigated) and continue learning about the Tudors, including about the plague and witches. It should be a good week. :-)

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