The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Sensitive Soul

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Happy Birthday Lovely Tea Jenny!

I headed up to Banchory this afternoon. I decided to bring Murphy - partly to give The Prince a break but mainly because it means that I will definitely go out for a walk every day.

He has developed a new fear up here - the kitchen floor! He won’t walk on it. It’s tiled and I think he’s worried about slipping. When we were eating dinner, he spent the whole time either crying in the doorway or trying to run to me, changing his mind after 2 steps and doing his best Bambi on ice impression!

He is also scared of the stairs in Penny and Albert’s house - it’s an open staircase and he doesn’t like the gaps in between the stairs. The Prince and I have had to carry him up before but I can’t lift Mr 35 kg by myself! It took a few goes (and several treats) but I got him up them and was VERY happy to be sleeping in the same room as me. Even happier when he realised that he was allowed to sleep on the bed because The Prince isn’t here!


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