
A morning of maths, then met up with Shandonner in Inverleith Row and we visited the Botanics - just wandered around for a couple of hours with a wee coffee break in the middle. Had a good look at the Edinburgh skyline - which is still there, even though I haven't been up town for months! The golden jobby is now fully visible, of course, although there are still a couple of the huge cranes in place. Even though there wasn't much in the way of blossom out yet, it was so nice to be out and about in the glorious sunshine - see extra for someone we met who was enjoying it even more than we were.

We bumped into S's mum and Jeff - lovely to see then but she approached me as if for a hug and I recoiled. This is very tricky stuff - didn't want to seem rude, but.....

Called in at Anything and Everything on my way back, to get a better (or at least, a complete) mouse trap - a piece had fallen off our old one. I have detected movement in the kitchen over the last couple of nights - several flats in our building seem to be having noisy building works done and this always seems to disturb the mice as well as me. Must remember to weigh the trap before setting up after the previous unfortunate (for the mouse) experience.

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