Strike that. Reverse it!



Day off work today with nothing planned other than nipping into the office "quickly". Actually was quickly too which has to be a first.

This morning it was cold and overcast, so I decided to go shopping. I'd hoped for a lovely day and I was going to go down the Ladybowere resevoir and get some photos but today seemed too grey!

Had a lovelay day shopping with my very lovely mother in law. I've never spent a day browsing before so was a novelty and very enjoyable. Found a couple of lovely dresses for Mikeys first Holy Communion.

As I left though the sun was out and it looked like I'd missed a lovely day in the end!!! Typical. I quickly nipped to the Yorskhire Scultpure Park on my way back. I really want to go and see the new exhibit, another thing for my list :0)

Hope you've all had a lovely Monday. xxx

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