Nice, productive day. Warm, sunny, and dry. I planted lettuce, chard and sweet pea seedlings and emptied, relined, and refilled two round wire "planters," about 3' tall. I can't recall where we got the wire things, but have had them for years. Last summer I filled them both with excess soil from a raised bed I leveled. But, sure enough, too much of the soil leaked out. Now the things are lined with black gardener's cloth, filled to the tops again, and soon I'll get the strawberries put back in - maybe tomorrow! And one day I'll post a picture of it all.
Next, is to battle the blackberry that has established itself right at the fence line and has been a bear to contain, let alone remove. I'm thinking boiling water might do the trick as there is nothing else of great importance growing there right now; finally pulled out the non-productive blueberry that was nearby, so blackberry, watch out.
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