
This week is fun time plus at work. I haven't worked full time for 18 months but I am ready for the challenge.

Myself and another vaccinator helped out at the "special clinic" where Gp's send people who've had a reaction to vaccines in the past. It's in the cardio-respiratory clinic in the main hospital. A good place to be if anything goes wrong! The chap in charge was a retired A & E consultant, he is now the Director of Resuscitation at our Trust so I wasn't concerned. The 2 lead nurses for immunisation were also present. The team were very reassuring with all 10 patients. They all had their vaccinations and nobody reacted. That is had an allergic reaction or developed anaphylaxis. A couple of them were very emotional, one in particular as her mother had told her she'd reacted to a vaccine when she was small and had no vaccines since! She is now in her 40's, she cried after wards and cursed her mother for not allowing her to have any childhood vaccines.

The rest of the day was slow. We had a new trainee vaccinator. It always takes a bit longer to train people up. Some newbies get it straight away and off they go. Others take a bit longer to built up their confidence. Hence we were late finishing, although it was only 15 minutes.

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