
I was passing through Craigmillar today. Over the years the area has undergone various regeneration initiatives. The grassy areas by the main road have been planted with thousands of daffodils and they are now coming into full bloom.

Not quite Wordsworth’s Lakeland walk but impressive nonetheless and as I can’t travel to East Lothian near Drem for my annual daffodil shot this made for a great substitute..

My career as a weather forecaster will not take off as yesterday’s prediction of no more warm sunshine was (happily) proved wrong and we had another glorious day. Spent most of it in the garden on various tasks.

It was also a chance to pause and reflect on yesterday’s Scottish Parliamentary decision to incorporate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into the law in Scotland. A great achievement which will over time bring about some fundamental shifts in society’s approach to children. I hope this this prediction is more accurate than my weather forecasting!

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