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By pplnani

Did summer arrive?

..........When I wasn't looking.

I saw this in a supermarket carpark this morning when I took my son to do a shop because his car is being fixed. It really wasn't that warm, I was wrapped up in a coat, scarf and gloves but this chap didn't seem to feel the cold at all.
On the way home I had a big disagreement with my son which made me feel very stressed. Over the past few few years he has become obsessed with conspiracy theories and he persists in trying to convince everyone else that they are true, it has come to the point that everything you comment on is connected to one conspiracy or another and people are fed up of hearing about it (it is the reason I don't see much of my grandchildren even though they live nearby), he has an answer for everything.
Unfortunately on the way home I was trapped in the car with him and he decided it would be a good idea to really try to get his point across - this time it was contrails (or chemtrails as he calls them - con trails disappear and chem trails are full of chemicals and persist in the atmosphere and spread out making the air look hazy and make us all ill). I thought it might be a good time to have a 'Mum' talk with him and explain that people don't want to hear it all the time and maybe he should join a group of like minded people or give it up altogether. It didn't go very well and we ended up in a full scale heated discussion and I'm not completely sure how it was left - I think we agreed to disagree but I don't think I got through to him at all.
I thought I was doing the right thing bringing my children up to think for themselves and not believe absolutely everything they are told but I didn't realise it would go as far as this :-(

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