Gromit At War!

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

Gromit took Faz* and me for coffee this morning. She was still angry. Possibly even MORE than yesterday.

There was a huge rant about patronising men, and how this ALWAYS happens because of VERY BAD WORD tall poppy syndrome. But she outlined her strategy in dealing with the PATRONISING MEN by moving condiments around.

"I do this," she explained. "I move things. It helps me explain."

Once she had rearranged the sugar and cutlery and my mobile phone, we were all clear on how she was going to GET HER REVENGE.

It started when Gromit arranged a meeting with senior managers.

She interrupted me in another meeting. "And don't forget to bring the plushies," she told me. 

The other people in my meeting stared at me. I didn't bother to explain.

So I brought the plushies into a room of senior managers. I didn't get the chance to say much. Gromit SPEWED facts at them for twenty minutes. About her plan. About how WELL it was going. About how POSITIVE everyone was about it and about how MARKETING were ****ing it all up.

They were a bit overwhelmed, "Slow down, slow down," one of them kept saying to her. 

But at the end of the meeting it was a no-holds-barred victory. Basically the managers told her that she didn't even NEED the marketing department. 

"Why are we paying them 50k for something you've already done?" one of them asked. 

"EXACTLY!!!" said Gromit. Brandishing a fluffy pukeko.

Long story short. Marketing are out. Marketing manager looks like a bit of a d1ck. Gromit is doing their job without them for half the price

This may not be the end of it. We've been told to keep SCHTUM about this new development until it is official. But it is looking promising. The sugar moved in front of the coffee, blocking my mobile phone, as Gromit predicted.

As for me, I have bumped Gromit up to 2nd in my list of best project managers ever. She has knocked Andre down a position to 3rd.

And Mike the Project Manager has good reason to be worried. 


* Change Management Lady. She is very nice.

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