A much better night although Amelie still came in with us for most of it. She didn't have a temperature though and no extra calpol was required so she woke up a bit more refreshed.

She has done some nice playing this morning whilst I have been tidying...we moved her wooden dolls treehouse into her bedroom and that meant a bit if rejigging in there. The living room is now very tidy! If only for a short time before baby arrives...

Speaking of baby, I am now 5 days over due! I can't quite believe how quickly these 5 days have passed. Midwife appointment tomorrow to look at booking induction.

Amelie has been asking to get the paints out all morning and I agreed about half an hour ago. Really wishing I had remembered how stressed she gets when painting and not feeling well. I have been up and down washing brushes with the wrong colour on and she has just had a meltdown because she now wants to glue onto the paintings but I asked her to wait until they were dry....

Order has been resumed however and she is cutting paper instead.

In other news - this was Amelie's due date, three years ago!

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