Walk On By

D Train - Walk On By

As the weekend draws to a close, much reflection naturally occurs; perhaps endings have that effect. Although I don't like to delve into my own exploits publicly with many people (only to my close friends), or those I politely reply to when asked, my Saturday went incredibly well with classes running smoothly, students being awesome, lunch being great, getting over pre-performance jitters then DJing house at Plastic Factory, seeing friends support and supporting friends with drinks, dance and genuine connection. Dinner was spent at a ramen (a popular noodle dish with many variants) shop that combines both Italian and Japanese principles. Strange at first, but truly sublime nonetheless (Itamen).

Sunday was recovery and coffee with friends whilst still having solid conversation for the purpose of bettering ourselves AND seeing Django Unchained at the cinema.

Don't get me started on Django Unchained, I LOVED the crap out of that film and I'm definitely going to see it again next weekend. It's dynamite, electric and any other English superlative I can throw at it. If I knew other languages, I would throw those superlatives at it too. Simply spellbinding in every way for me.

Today I had my Japanese class and spent the rest of the day chilling with, whom I consider, a close friend. But before the regular exploring walking session, I made a quick drop at another friend's house to give him a suprise gift. He's a solid person to almost everyone I know who knows him and he gave me the advice of making a "to-do" list or a "not-to-do" list. It was only natural to do something positive to start my "to-do" list regime by doing at least something positive for the day. The rest of the day was spent walking and seeing new and interesting places as well as listening to blues, 80s disco / funk and 80s New Wave Music. It's good to have friends you can feel open with, allowing for deep conversation without the fear of condemnation. Although fleeting as it may be, the moments are valuable.

Also I was published in a local Nagoyan magazine showcasing my photos and an interview. I don't like to harp on myself too much, but DAMN it's an ego booster! (Ran Magazine, if you're in Nagoya, you can pick one up from Nagoya Station, Maruzen, Shooters and many other hot spots around town. Cheers to the Ran crew for giving me a chance)

Walk on by, make believe that you don't see the tears
Hal David, Burt Bacharach. Dionne Warwick - Walk On By

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