My True Colours

By Martrex


Incredible, I've never known a year pass by so fast, a year
of consecutive blips! Again, many thanks to everyone who
has subscribed, commented and viewed my journal over
the past twelve months, it IS such a fantastic community
of worldwide friends! Thanks again to all at blip HQ for the
maintainance of such a great site to make this all possible.
I've really enjoyed it over the past year, meeting so many
new friends and viewing so many interesting journals and
marvelous images! To the blippers whose journals I don't
comment on, don't take it personally, there's just too many
to cover and I struggle sometimes just getting around to all
my regular ones! Now that I've achieved my goal of a year
of uninterrupted blips, I no longer feel the need to post an
image every day and there are a few things that I've been
neglecting over the past months. So time to ease up and
maybe just post once a week or so, rather than once a day.

Thanks again everyone


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