Beautiful Brassica, mooching spuds

I try to grow purple sprouting broccoli every year, it's my favourite vegetable. Those tight purple florets, crunchy stalks and tasty leaves  are a world away from the sad soggy heads of commercial broccoli.
And if you let them other kinds of (last year's) Brassica  will also produce new sprouts in early spring,  So here too are kale and collard florets , all cut-and-come again if you catch them early, allowing more to  grow.

Turning up late  and unexpected  were a few guerilla  potatoes that had been lurking underground for a couple of generations. They're known as 'moochers' (or used to be), an interesting word etymologically, possibly associated with 'mitching' a slang/dialect word for playing truant (see here for the ramifications of that.) But now, destiny calls.

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