
Today Mike and I drove down south to see the daffodils. They were beautiful. 
Went to lunch at the train wreck then home.
What we found once home was a nightmare. Our entire downstairs 1700 sq feet was sitting in 2 to 3 inches of water.
We had to empty the entire downstairs, 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, laundry room, family room and storage area plus my secret storage under the stair. This is where I kept all my antique dolls etc. So many things were ruined. Even some of my Dad's original art work and many photos. The list could go on but I'm much to tired. We worked non stop 8 hours.. Our backs are on fire and I am afraid of how we will feel tomorrow. Our son and daughter in law came and helped us for several hours.
Service pro had to come and they were here 5 hours pulling trim off and pulling carpets and pads.. Not sure if the will have to replace any of the walls yet. They will be checking in everyday for the next 5 days or so.

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