Man at Work

After all the excitement of seeing and speaking to the family yesterday, all is quiet on the eastern front today.
There was a cycle ride to Waitrose in Morningside for no good reason other than it was a a bit of pedalling exercise, a reading of my gas meter which demands the presence of the concierge to open the cellar in which it is placed, a reading of the electric meter which demands the contortions of Houdini on a ladder to get to it in the drying cupboard, a leisurely coffee at the dining room table combined with a reading of the newspaper and then an even more leisurely lunch. There was absolutely no attempt at housework of any description but I did manage a blip of a man at work washing my windows. What a difference- I can see out now.

I did feel obliged to tramp the marches this afternoon and discovered a rather different clientele out and about now that Primary schools have gone back along with some secondary pupils. It all feels a little bit more ‘normal’ in the outside world.

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