Latha nam Màthraichean Sona
Happy Mother’s Day
Another very lazy Sunday, seemed a bit of an effort to get the papers and even more of an effort to read the serious bits, even The Observer is still going on about ‘that interview’.
Fell asleep after lunch and was woken by a message from L and A to say they were outside and had a few things to drop off. A blip opportunity, the alternative was going to be what I think might be the remains of an old mill wall you can just see in the White Cart Water at the Riverside Road bridge – it can keep for another day.
The few things turned out to be a Mothering Sunday card addressed to ‘Granny Glasgow’ (a nomenclature problem solved for me, L’s mother will be Granny Peebles) 5 cheese and chilli scones, one plain scone (not found) the remains of a carton of clotted cream to go with the missing plain scone, and 2 books for R. A card from M had arrived mid-week with the inscription ‘thank you for keeping me alive’. I can think of quite a number of situations he may have had in mind when he selected this.
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