A Much Quieter Day

Had a sleep in this morning and didnt rise until 7.30am which is far later than normal! Toto wasnt impressed and had tried to wake me a number of times but I managed to ignore him and snore on which was wonderful ahhh ;o)

Did all the chores early and spent the rest of the day just doing my own thing which was mostly reading, and a few DW Documentaries on YouTube which is a great resource, a few Omeleto short movies - also youtube and also fabulous, and some iPad drawing with my new Apple Pencil (I broke the other one). All in all I felt rested and satisfied that I’d done some relaxing things that didnt make me think of work!! :o). Tonight we watched a bit of the WandaVision series which is weird but could turn into something good ;o)

Tonight’s image is of a little snippet of a bush I picked in passing yesterday. All I could see when i picked it was that it was hairy and red which seemed unusual. When I looked at it today through the macro I thought it looked like a crazy multi legged spider with very hairy legs!! LoL 
Apologies to any arachnophobes!! 

I’ve put a couple of extra shots in of the sunflowers from yesterday, so beautiful!!

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