Apwyntiad ar gyfer y brechiad

Apwyntiad ar gyfer y brechiad ~ Vaccination appointment


'Talking 'bout my vaccination -- The WHO

or even

'Sic itur ad AstraZeneca' --Virgil

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Roedd fy apwyntiad ar gyfer y brechiad yn eithaf cynnar y bore 'ma. Es i mewn tacsi i'r Canolfan Hamdden Pentwyn, lle roedd cadeiriau yn y neuadd bob dau fetr.  Roedd y staff yn gyfeillgar ac effeithlon a doedd dim rhaid i mi aros yn hir. Roedd popeth yn syml a chyflym ac yn fuan roeddwn i yn ôl mewn tacsi, ac adre.

Felly dyna ni, gwaith wedi'i wneud, dim problem.

Rydw i'n ddiolchgar iawn i'r GIG am eu gwasanaeth.

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My appointment for the vaccination was quite early this morning. I took a taxi to Pentwyn Leisure Center, where there were chairs in the hall every two meters. The staff were friendly and efficient and I didn't have to wait long. Everything was simple and fast and soon I was back by taxi, and home.

So there we are, job done, no problem.

I am very grateful to the NHS for their service.

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