Wind up ya bum!
First, the good news is Emmeline tested negative for 'Rona' as Jodie calls it. Can't believe how many times this family have dodged the bullet so to speak, especially as Hayley is a teacher in a huge secondary school that has been badly affected with the virus.
Took these Daffs when I was walking Kiri, the wind was so cold today, and although these were taken in the sun, you can see how they'd got their backs to the wind!
One of the very talented members at our camera club has set up a monthly challenge where we can share our attempts at a set task. Firstly I must say how incredible it is that all our 'cleverest' photographers at the club are so willing to share their knowledge, and help us lesser capable members along the way. This first months challenge is 'Glass'. Last night was the first week where we shared what we'd achieved, and where we'd gone wrong. I felt bad as I hadn't made very much of an effort. Basically nil effort. Wasn't really in the right place this past week.
Today I thought I'd make an attempt. It's harder than you'd think, and I really have no idea what I'm trying to do. Firstly, finding a spot in the house to set up took me ages. I've added an extra of what I eventually ended up with ..... pretty rubbish, but I've made a start. The 'wine' is wine vinegar diluted, and the `Bubbly' is water and turmeric mixed!! I think in future to become more creative I NEED THE REAL THING to sip at as I go along!
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