Framing the Fort

By TheHairyCoo

I [i]had[/i] to post this image...

...I was told to!

Fun day today, a big chunk of which was spent in Seaton Park (which has a ma-hoooo-sive impromptu loch in the middle). Took a load of snaps en famille but Miss Geek really wants me to use this one of her after she & I went for a haircut. I have other (better focused) snaps, but this one was her favourite...and although she agreed to let me use an other one, she acquiesced with such heavy heart I felt I had little choice but to do as she wanted (Dads & their daughters ;-), I love her cheeky grin in it.

A week of learning before heading off to Fort William for some medicine in a rural setting. I rather fancy a move back West when the time comes, and the Fort is a cracking town...interesting!

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