this luminous life.

By Laura


Aphex Twin.

beetle | another beetle | another one!

Today: catching up and getting ahead on homework assignments, working on my craft projects, watching movies, catching up with online correspondence, relaxing, eating more of those darn jelly beans, etc. It's finally one of those days that I've wanted for so long. I consider it a nice breather before I jump into my schedule again (my professor told us a couple days ago that we won't have a life for the next two years due to graduate coursework). I saw these beetles (quite a few of them scattered across the window) when I looked outside. I like it when blips come to me. :)

This is blip #899....

EDIT: While I was blipping these beetles, one of them fell off the window; I didn't know where it went and I assumed it was the one I later discovered on the floor. Well, not even a second after I hit the "publish" button, I felt something crawling on my neck.... flicked it onto my desk... it was that beetle from earlier. Needless to say, I freaked a little bit and wiggled around making sure there were no others. (If I remember correctly, these are the ones that bite?)

a year ago: rainbow!

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