Warning: Animals May Bite

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

Caro was out and about with Loulou today, so Tiger and I decided to do something. But I didn't know what. He was very mysterious and just said he had "plans". 

So I jumped into his car at 10am today and we drove off, I wasn't sure where. We drove around winding, WINDING roads. Windy enough that Caro is never ever allowed to go on this trip or she would spew all over everyone. 

And 30 minutes later, we arrived at Staglands a nature reserve packed with naughty animals. Tiger told me it was a regular stop for him and his family when he was a kid. 

Within minutes, Tiger and I were being mugged by a gang of geese and ducks, chasing us along paths until we could redirect them toward a bunch of newly-arrived children instead.

The same story was repeated all over the park. Sheep, goats and donkeys all shoving their heads through fences and calling to us to FEEEEEEED them. 

It was very cute. 

One of our favourite animals of the day was a cockatoo which called to us, "Haaa-lloooo", he kept saying. I offered him my bag of seeds and nuts and the little beggar just grabbed it and tipped it up, spilling the contents everywhere. Then he ran off with the bag. 

We could still hear him calling, "Haaaa-llooooo" as we left his aviary. 

As you can see, we also saw a kea, who was surprisingly not naughty. We also encountered deer, who eyed us suspiciously from a distance and emus, which rumbled threatening at us. 

Did you know they did that? I didn't know they did that. It was like a cross between a growl and and a rumble, deep in their throats. We moved past them quickly. 

And I got bitten by a horse. Not badly. It was more of a graze, really. But it took me by surprise. I was talking to Tiger and Jock the Horse decided that I really needed to pay HIM some more attention instead.

We rounded a corner and saw a notice board saying, "Be careful of Jock the Horse, he bites". 

So it was a lovely, fun day. Me and Tiger spent all day laughing. It was so kind of him to take me there. 

But It is such a shame Caro couldn't come. Maybe we could parachute her in, or something.


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