
By prostel

reading a book- watching the English

I am watching the English. The accent differences between these attitudes, sorries and pleases... how often do people use these words in this country? : quite often.
I enjoy saying “sorry and please” quite often, even I find nothing to be sorry. For example, personal space is quite wide here in England, I guess it is about a meter or more. In my culture, it is just 5cm and here, if two people have to mind each other on stairs, they say sorry. This is very kind...but every-time I say sorry on the stairs I do wonder why, why do we not say sorry in Turkey when we have to physically come closer, instead we use this opportunity to know each other or have a small talk.

People who had visited Turkey share their common feedback when they learn that I come from Turkey. “people are very friendly in Turkey”. Do we have any other alternative rather than being friendly in this world?

Individualism and Mediterranean- eastern friendship patterns are not compatible with each other. I think I am in the middle...none of them is for me.

Anyway... this book will teach me “life in English”. I hope...or is a book ever enough? Do not think so.

Love to all.

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