
By RegardsFromEdin

Old Calton Burial Ground

A bit of a grey day in Edinburgh and I got caught in the sleet and heavy rain whilst on my constitutional (weather forecast wrong again)!  This is the Political Martyrs' Monument in the Old Calton Burial Ground.  The 90ft obelisk was erected in 1844 by the Friends of Parliamentary Reform in England and Scotland.  It is dedicated to the memory of Thomas Muir and four other men  who were imprisoned and transported to Botany Bay in 1794 for campaiging for parliamentary reform and universal suffrage (for men).  On the west face is a quote from Thomas Muir, "I have devoted myself to the cause of the people.  It is a good cause - it shall ultimately prevail - it shall finally triumph".  Some 3000 people gathered for the laying of the obelisk foundation stone! 

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