Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

For pylon lovers everywhere

Personally I prefer pylons in the UK. I think they are more aesthetically appealing. I also like to see them marching across the Lincolnshire flat fenland landscape in ever diminishing size as they approach the horizon. Nevertheless, the French ones have a certain appeal, their cross members often painted red and they are impressive when constructed in fairly impossible positions on the mountain side. Today has been relatively quiet.  I did some admin in the morning followed by a walk. My EHIC-E card arrived giving me the same health cover under the Withdrawal Agreement as before Brexit.  The card has only taken seven weeks in the post! I don't know what is going on with the international postal service but I shall blame Brexit again! Breathe and release yoga was very relaxing today and the sun has just come out after a dull day. Have a good weekend everyone.

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