The Falkirk Wheel - and Chloe.

Another mixed bag sort of a day. I had a mid morning dental appointment to have a crown replaced. I suggested a couple of rivets but the dentist advised some special glue. The rivet gun may come out yet!
Anyway, seeking a new place to walk this afternoon we visited the Falkirk Wheel which seemed to please Chloe as her nose went into overdrive and she followed it closely. Annoyingly, due to The Situation and some necessary repairs, some paths were closed for the time being so we came home and went off down the wood to fill the bird feeders.
Today’s extra is a shot of the shopping centre in Stirling. It should be in full swing and thronged with happy shoppers but with most shops closed, there is little point. Even M&S is showing a seriously reduced range of goods!

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