
A wild night followed by a wildish day with sunshine, gales and hail all at once. It's Thursday, so Himself went off for his weekly excitement and did the hunter gathering and I did a few useful things - don't ask me what! 

I did have a nice chat with TJ and we've discovered the printers is still functioning so are getting some new cards sorted - not that there are many outlets open but those that are, are doing very well. I reckon people are sending more personal cards and letters at the moment.

We nipped round the circuit minor and had to shelter in the derelict house during a downpour - as it has no roof that was only partially successful. The tide was up and there were loads of these mysterious (ok, that's as mysterious as I could get for today's abstract challenge) objects scattered on the shore line. Actually I find them quite mysterious in many ways, the main one being how could people possibly eat them! I won't bore you with the story I have told many times of releasing a whole bagful one windswept Christmas night - I swear they were squeaking in their paper bag.

And we've had some wood delivered to keep us going. Apparently it's come from Romania.

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