Patience is a Virtue
If someone needed a place to stay, my parents welcomed them, sometimes for many years. One such widow had a Japanese friend who sent camellia seeds from Japan decades ago. My mother somehow got many of them to sprout and they slowly grew into small plants. When we moved to this house twenty years ago, she gave me two of the tiny shrubs. This is either the first or second year they have bloomed. One bush is in my fenced garden; this is one of its five blossoms. The other camellia is closer to our home and has many buds. What a treat is was to see this pretty flower when I went out today. I’ve had minimal reaction to the vaccine: sore and swollen injection area, dull headache, flu-like aches and I am feeling sluggish and flushed. But those symptoms are nothing compared to what some young folks who got the Moderna vaccine experienced. Today is my youngest grandson’s 13th birthday and I wanted to blip him and his new ride but that will have to be posted later. Hubby is celebrating with P and his family. They promised to share his ice cream cake with me. When things don’t meet your expectations, keep the Faith. All in God’s time. Thanks for the visit.
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