Waggon Wednesday.....

A busy one today.
Cattle fed then loaded up 6 Angus heifers and headed off to meet a lorry at a nearby farm to take them to Stirling mart.
Back home then sorted out 5 big Blonde Blks for the sale at St Boswell’s tomorrow.
Then this lorry arrived in mid afternoon to collect the 25 limousin blks that we have sold via Border Livestock. Of course as soon as the lorry arrived and we were loading cattle the heavens opened.
Nipped off to Tesco tonight to get myself another mobile phone as the one I have is on the the way out. The screen is cracked and all black bits, and it has a nasty habit of dialling folk all by its self !
Spent about an hour trying to set up the new one, eventually had to get Littlemiss to help. I hate all this fancy new technology . Have got my contacts swapped over and I can manage to make a phone call so that’s good enough for one day !
Now blowing a hooligan and wet again tonight !

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