A Bit Of Green

01.30 this morning and the smoke detector at the top of the stairs went off.
I was up and out of bed like a shot and it had stopped by the time I got to the landing.
A search around the house showed nothing and it has behaved itself since.
Unfortunately it took me about 2 hours to get back to sleep -not helped by the howling gale and buttering rain - so it may be an early night tonight.

I made the worst bird feeding table in the world today (I really must find the ruler that  fell in the garage the other day)

Having been going through some old pictures I made up an AV show of our Gondola ride which was something that was on my brother-in-law's bucket list. Our Gondolier was fantastic and gave a full history and tour which took twice as long as the normal trip (and he charged less than the price laid down by the city fathers for the shorter tour).
After that I made one using some pictures from a couple of Air Shows.
I also found of load of stuff I had completely forgotten about - which was nice.

The Blip is a leaf from the False Castor Oil Plant which had obviously been blown off overnight and somehow ended up at the front door.

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