An entertaining gardening day
4 hours gardening at George & Jeans today. I started at 10am, Jean & I had a chat then I got cracking on the 'big bed'. Moved a couple of plants to the 'Hosta' bed, introduced 2 newbies, Choisya 'Sundance' & a variegated buxus to the 'big' bed, gave it a weed, mainly bittercress. Cleared the huge number of fallen oak leaves from around the back garden. Once they were cleared, the fresh green growth, & bright yellow daffs brightened the bed up. Cleaned and tidied the fern bed. George does'nt get out of bed so early these days but it was'nt long before he was heading for the greenhouse with his canvas bag carrying his flask of coffee, mug, & biscuits. He has a sunlounger in the greenhouse & loves to sit there.. This morning we discussed the design of his new flask. The first time he filled it he did'nt realise it was closed properly a spilled coffee all over the kitchen floor. It's one that you can pour without unscrewing the lid. We also covered the football pools, Spot the Ball, Electric cars, growing leeks, gambling on-line, Fray Bentos steak & kidney pies in tins, ready meals, & corned beef. Jean came out into the garden part way through so joined in the conversation. I mentioned liking corned beef & onion toasted sandwiches ... "Oh that sounds nice!" George had a corned beef toasted sandwich for his lunch. Green garden waste wheelie bin virtually full from my mornings gardening I left G&J nipped to the Coop before heading home.
A quick snack then I put a couple of bags of manure around the flower beds. Rain forecast tomorrow so today was a good time to do it. The anemones are flowering in dribs & drabs. I love them as a cut flower, but this one is growing in a container. I think I might plant a row up on the plot that I can cut. Mum likes Anemones too.
Thanks to cathy1947 for hosting
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