
By SamAgainPlease

Stickers on apples!

Nice bowl, nice apples, accursed stickers.  Always hated them!

When they first started putting stickers on fruit I thought "Oh my God, what is?  Surely there will be a revolt against this."  That was, I dunno, 20+ years ago and... no revolts.

Admittedly there are far more worthy causes to revolt for, but still... I mean I know they serve a purpose but are the really necessary?  Sure, teenager check-out boys and girls sometimes struggle with ginger, or even cabbage or broccoli, but apples? 

I was disappointed when bar codes were introduced.  I'm not a luddite (not really) and they can be useful (although almost obsolete now) but stickers on apples - come on!
On a related note, the only time I've ever real "enjoyed" a bar code was when MAD magazine devoted the entire cover to the bar code.  Just did a search... April 1978 edition.  Oh dear, I am so old....

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