Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Old Man's Beard

I stopped at the top of Reigate Hill on the way home and took a walk round the Gatton Park estate which is jointly owned by the National Trust and The Royal Alexandra and Albert School, some of whose pupils were enjoying sports on their first day back after lockdown.  For me the most interesting parts, around the lake and 2 other large ponds, are in the private parts of the grounds, with access on only once a month, presumable outside of COVID restrictions (extra).

Flowers were pretty well non-existant for today's MonoMonday challenge of Black and White Flowers set by Trisharooni from the Blackheath Blippers.  However, the cast iron fences marking the boundary between the private estate and the public bridleway I was walking played host to some Wild Clematis vines, with their distinctive seedheads known as "Traveller's Joy" or, as I would call them, "Old Man's Beard".

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