Surreal Landscape
Please look in LARGE... The devil is in the detail...
This was the view off our balcony at 6.16 AM. The Boss spotted it and carefully and quietly slid the door open, moved to the outside rail and attempted to hold the iPhone still while it took 1/4 Sec to record the view.with the 2x lens.
It is pretty near impossibile to hold THAT still with your hand, so I guess he moved a tiny bit and this is what happened.
The Boss remembers when he first re-joined a camera club some 40 years ago and in those days if you actually asked a bloke how a picture had evolved you generally got gobbledegook as camera clubs back then were highly competitive and dark secrets like shutter speed and stuff were well protected. I am pleased to report that the local club in Wellington is not like that at all and anyone can ask anything.
TTTT Tiny Tussocks terrific Tips......This was "Camera Shake" and the very considerable noise was removed in Lightroom which is the only App on his iPad Pro that he is perfectly happy to pay for.
Tiny (A tad tired)
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