The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Scooter Boy

Corrie gets mostly money instead of presents for birthdays and Christmas because no-one really knows what to get him. Even we struggle. A few years ago we got him a Trike off ebay - he uses one quite successfully at school, but co-ordinating pedals and steering and balance on a conventional 2-wheeler is a step too far.

I drove all the way down to London and back to get the trike (custom made from used bikes), and it was slightly too big at the time and an instant failure - been in the shed ever since. However it should be just right now, so I'm confident it'll get some use this year.

This year's Christmas money went on a big scooter (see picture). Second trip out today and he seems happy pushing it, but not much scootering so far. Not too worried as he's shown us he can scooter, just doesn't want to just yet, and just pushing it is challenging him on all sorts of levels - pushing, holding, steering, concentrating, focussing... all things we take for granted, but for someone as profoundly autistic as Corrie just wanting to tackle all these things by pushing his scooter for a mile or so is bloody amazing - I'm so proud of the wee fella. Scootering will come in time, no rush.

The scooter came in handy for me towards the end of our walk. I'm hobbling bad from running the Alloa half marathon course this morning - achilles strain I've been carrying for a couple of weeks - 2 weeks to get ok for the real thing. The running I find really easy and I'm on course for about 2 hours which means I won't come last. It's all the other things that I find hard about running - chaffed nipples, bruised heels, achilles strain and there's never a toilet when you need one :-{

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