Log Freuchie

By Freuchie

Splash of colour

Well, it was back to umpteen shades of grey today, so let's hope that wasn't our summer last week. The yellow on the gorse was the only bright colour to be found on my walk this afternoon and there just happened to be some barbed wire as well.

Ballet Rambert was/were wonderful last night, but went on a bit too long for my liking. I was full of admiration for those talented dancers and their beautiful bodies, but I just didn't 'get' the meaning of the pieces, and the music was way too modern for me. I kept thinking, "Lulabel177 would love this!"

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo are more my cup of tea - classical ballet and music with a sprinkling of humour - and I am so disappointed that they aren't coming to Glasgow this year. If you haven't come across them, they are an all-male ballet company. Have a look here to get a flavour.

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