Corstorphine Old Kirk
Today was the start of a month long Turf competition between Scotland and Skåne, the southernmost region in Sweden. They challenged us in September and we accepted and I foolishly agreed to be the team captain. We had months with hardly any team members but in the last couple of weeks it’s been mayhem and S and I seem to have spent hours sorting things out. However, yesterday all was settled and all we had to do today was to go out and take some zones. We had a plan, stuck to it and enjoyed a pleasant couple of cycles on a mild day. I didn’t take many pictures and this was the first. It’s officially called Corstorphine Old Parish Church. At this time of the year you can see it properly. Amazingly at the day’s end Scotland were in the lead; don’t know for how long though as we can’t keep up this pace for another 27 days.
Best on black.
Today’s entry on the Abstract Fiesta journal is of crocus.
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