Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


I have had a lovely day today

After a chilly frosty morning swim, the sun came out to give us a warm, bright day.

I brought a rasher sandwich to have with my breakfast coffee on the beach with 2 friends and we had a great chat.

Then off to Powercity to buy a fridge/freezer (very exciting) and a walk around Woodies where I bought a yellow bucket and some patio plants. A sunny day makes me want to but nice things for the house.

Then I watched Emma - a nice version with Kate Beckinsale. Her father utters the sentence... “Emma, I do not like it when people go away” and I agree with him.

I made my chicken casserole for dinner and spotted this incy wincy spider strolling across the kitchen wall (the ceiling could do with a lick of paint).

Extra is a portrait of Mini wrapped in my blankie when I went to make tea

A sunny Sunday today. Hope you are all having a relaxing evening

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