Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Spring blossoms

Gavin still feels a bit off after the vaccine he had on Thursday - he was not able to run today and I did not recommend he even tried. It was cloudy and very cold again this morning, 6C and feeling fresh. We have not walked in the woods accessed from the bottom of our road since early autumn as after that time they get horribly boggy and muddy, but today we thought we would give it a go. It was still muddy and very boggy in parts so maybe it needs another month or so before it is dry again. Xena was excited to be back there again. 

Many of the trees around here are in blossom which is lovely to see. I took this photo when it was still cloudy this morning, but by lunchtime the sun came out and it developed into a beautiful day with blue skies. I was going to go back to reshoot these blossom in the sunshine but decided to leave it for another day.

I finished Behind Her Eyes on Netflix last night - whew, it was such a  tense drama with the most unexpected ending and I really enjoyed it. Now what to watch next?

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