
By Upoffmebum


The apricots, the peaches, the nectarines - all the stone fruits have gone until next season. But these white figs are just now coming into their prime. 
They taste as good as they look, and equally importantly, they look as good as they taste. Taste as flavour, and taste as aesthetics, mutually reinforcing.
Native to the Mediterranean and western Asia, Ficus carica is one of the earliest crops cultivated by humans. Dating back to 9400 to 9200 BC, figs predate domesticated edible crops such as wheat and rye by a thousand years. Respect.
Seems the first emperor of Rome, Augustus, was fed figs from his garden which his wife, Livia had coated with poison. Little wonder that a variety of fig known as the Liviana was cultivated in Roman gardens. That's Roman humour for you.
Delicious when eaten fresh off the tree, roasting them with lemon juice and a splodge of honey (straight from the Flow hive - thanks, Girls

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