Party Pancakes

Saturday morning means pancakes, and Nate is my official helper. He's excellent at mashing bananas, shaking in cinnamon and mixing in oats and eggs and the other ingredients. Then whilst I cook them he lays the table 'prettily'. Without fail this includes Spiderman napkins and birthday candles. 
The kids and I made Claire a blessing bracelet this morning, them carefully choosing her 5 big beads. We took it to her late morning and the kids had a bike/rollerblade along the paseo. Good to see her, we ended up getting takeaway beer and chips and eating them on the front together - a touch cold really so Claire nipped home for a blanket for a shivery Asha. 
Home via the park and supermarket. A brief Zoom with Han and the kids. Then later we each made pizzas for dinner - there will definitely be enough for tomorrow too! A good Sabbath, except for the headache that's been pestering me all day.  

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Tradition and ritual. 
2) How much the kids love Claire. 
3) Godson Solomon - 6 today! Sol means sun in Spanish, and he certainly is a sunshiney boy. 

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