
When I got up and went into the kitchen first thing ........ disaster!
2 light bulbs had blown (I swapped bulbs around to check it wasn't a wiring problem).
So I nipped out to get some replacements.
3 shops later .... no joy!
Why have the number and types of bulbs been slashed?
Luckily SWMBO managed to find a couple back at the house (that being a man I had managed to miss).
A supply has been sourced and ordered on-line.

Having put out some food it didn't take the chaps and chapesses long to arrive - not that I got many shots I was even half way pleased with but I have put 4 of the Thrush shots (or maybe it is a female Blackbird) over Here.

Cutting, shaping, sanding, gluing .......... all heading towards the end of 'the project' (more of a prototype or two really).

And that has been my exciting day!

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