
By Beinghere

Pittenweem Bathing Pool

The outdoor bathing pool is being restored at the moment. The workmen have completed the sides and are now widening the concrete at the end.
The pool was very popular back in the 50s and 60s and a local group formed to raise money to restore it with the firm belief that it can be popular again. I’m not a believer.
I think if peeps want to swim in the sea they will do just that, anywhere they want. They don’t need a tidal pool to be restored for them to do that. When the pool had its hay day no one went abroad for summer holidays. People flocked to coastal villages and towns and enjoyed swimming in the outdoor pools because there were few alternatives. Nowadays there are lovely heated indoor pools. I know there is lots of interest at the moment in wild swimming but the hardy souls who take part, swim around here in the pools or from the shore but certainly don’t need a smart, good looking pool to do it. I think there are better ways to improve the town or surrounding area. There are even plans to build changing rooms and a cafe. I may turn out to be totally wrong. There may be a huge resurgence in sea swimming with people coming from all over the country. I try to hold my tongue when people talk about it. Oh dear. That was almost a rant.
It’s been cold and overcast, but dry with no wind today. We walked around the town but saw very few people, probably because it’s so cold. Spent the afternoon reading, then another wee walk and it was time to eat.

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