Camera Shy

By Wildstar

Ginny Montage

Will be taking quite a few photos of Ginny puppy as I am going to make a photo album for Mum.  Little bit frustrated that I cannot let  Mum see her  properly.  Before Covid (BC) I popped in to Mum at her Care Home which is only 10 minute walk from me virtually every day just for a quick 10 min. chat and would have my previous little Dachsie with me who she loved seeing as did some of the other residents.  Two reasons that stopped - Covid and I lost Dachsie 1 just before Lockdown.  Dachsie 2 now with me after a dogless year but I'm not able to let Mum see her even though the Visitor Pod is now available with perspex screen between residents and visitor,  no masks required and speaker communication.  I haven't made use of it yet as a once a week telephone conversation has been fine for us both and that has been the most I have asked for.  I suspect some other resident's families have been making more use than me as now it is  strictly limited to one conversation a week which has to be pre booked.  This is a sad development and one which has probably had to be imposed to overcome unreasonable behaviour from other people.  
Ginny is a sock thief and had already taken one from the laundry basket as I was pegging out on the line. Was about to dive in for another when a pigeon flew on to the roof and that hound instinct cut in and she forgot about a boring old sock and looked very alert at it as it flew off again quickly.

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