
While looking through some old (pre-digital camera) photos, I came across this shot of Andrew all togged up as a Mexican bandito. Taken on our first trip to NZ some 30 years ago, we were in Timaru visiting Uncle Tom and Aunt Elaine. Just for a laugh, Uncle Tom got Andrew all togged up with sombrero, poncho, cartridge belt and his old .22 rifle. I should point out that  the cartridge belt held no cartridges and the bolt was removed from the rifle! We started out looking for photos of my mother and us back over the years and found quite a few. More memories!
Another cool but dry day and we continued with our litter picking, finishing off the wood and attacking a couple of other local hot-spots. I think that will do for the time being but those litter pickers will be kept handy and ready for action.

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