Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Find the lady...

Today our favourite gardener came to do some work on the trees and bushes in our garden. He's done a great job too. He has a new female assistant and I couldn't beat to watch her. You can just about see her top right in the holly bush. Her favourite method for pruning bushes and trees is to climb them and attack them from the top down and the inside out. She was amazing, she and I had a long discussion about climbing trees and other objects. Like me, her father's manta was, don't climb it if you aren't going to be able to get down again. The extra is M at the top of our viburnum. He decided not to use the ladder so again climbed up from the inside and is standing balanced in the centre of the bush cutting around him with his hedge cutter! We're really pleased with how much they've done. Three of the big one tonne builders sacks full of trimmings.
We had a brief visit from the girls today, mum dropped them off and dad was picking them up on his way home. Sadly they were only here for about 5 minutes much to their disgust as the traffic coming into town for Jon had been very quiet. Eilidh went off with some books to make up for her disappointment.
We're having a Chinese meal tonight from the Loon Fung, can't wait.
Sounds like we may have finally been sent out the church refund from Scottish Power today, only a year after requesting it. Fingers crossed!
Keep safe and well everybody

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